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Geraint Williams

Information Risk Consultant & Trainer.

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27th Feb, Essex IET Branch Meeting

Presented a talk on Wireless Networking to the Essex branch of the IET in Chelmsford, please Details, non-members of the institute are welcome

26th Feb, Bedford Branch of the BCS Meeting

Presented a talk on Wireless Networking to the Beds branch of the BCS at Bedford college, please Pre-registration, non-members of the institute are welcome

New Talk on cookies

I am putting together a presentation on cookies and the PECR directive, would any branch or section of the BCS, IET or professional institute bodies in the UK be interested in having this presentation given to their members. The presentation covers what are cookies, how web sites use them, how the “The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003” affect cookies and what is happening in the UK about cookies. Will include what the ICO has been saying about implementation of the cookie directive. If you are interested please contact me through LinkedIn or this website.

24th May, BCS Herts Branch Meeting

Dynamic Feature Fusion Trees: a New, Simple and Flexible Approach to Statistical Pattern Matching. A presentation by Nigel Sedgwick, Cambridge Algorithmica Ltd. This talk will describe a generalised approach, with benefits of simplicity and, often, improved performance. The approach is useful for quite large numbers of features, with nonlinear correlations between them; it also suits applications with medium numbers of features, that require more accurate matching than currently. BSC Herts Branch - Future Events, non-members of the institute are welcome

15th May 18th May, CISA course

Will be delivering IT Governance's CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor Training Course in London

10th May, ISSA & OSWASP Joint workshop

ISSA-UK and OWASP are partnering for the first time to bring you a joint security training conference. This unique event will attact attendees from both ISSA-UK's traditional information security membership base, and OWASP's web application Security Training Day

30th April to 4th May 2012, CISSP course

Will be delivering IT Governance's CISSP Accelerated Training Programme in London

24th to 26th April 2012, InfoSec Show

Will be attending the Infosec show all three days, will be on the IT Governance stand to talk about cookies and vulnerability assessments, please the IT Goverance Infosecurity Europe 2012 page for details and make a booking

24th April 2012, Hollywood Forensic Presentation

Presenting a talk on Hollywood effect on digital forensics on the 24th April at the Herts branch of the BCS, please see their web site for details of the talk BSC Herts Branch - Future Events, non-members of the institute are welcome

18th April 2012, Wireless Network Presentation

Presenting a talk on Wireless Networking on the 18th April at the Herts branch of the Institute of Measurement and Control, please see their web site for details of the talk Technical Events Programme | Hertfordshire, non-members of the institute are welcome

Content © 2013 Geraint Williams | Last updated 7th April 2013
Disclaimer: all opinions expressed here are my own personal views, and do not represent the views of any company or organisation with which I may be affiliated with. I offer no guarantee that any information published here is accurate, either at the time of publishing or at any time in the future, if you spot a mistake – let me know!