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Geraint Williams

Information Risk Consultant & Trainer.

Web Application Security

Presentation Synopsis

This talk sets the picture and emphasising the importance of security web applications using the Sony hacking incidents of 2011 as an example. It hen goes back to basics explaining how important it is to start with a good understanding of the HTTP protocol, cookies and sessions. A description of common web server security problems is followed by a detailed explanation of the role of Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and OWASP’s top 10 security errors. It also covered web server testing, explaining the methodology of penetration testing of web applications. The ‘nuts and bolts’ of web security and ethical hacking were covered by considering facets of web server configuration, and the talk was concluded by summarising a range of web server security principles.


Web Application Security, Bedford College June 15, 2011

Requesting a presentation

If you represent any branch or section of the BCS, IET or other professional institute bodies, or represent an organisation, company or business in the UK and are interested in me giving this presentation, please contact me through LinkedIn or this website.

Content © 2013 Geraint Williams | Last updated 7th April 2013